Tuesday, December 24, 2019
The Beam Therapy For Eliminating Cancer - 742 Words
–External Beam Therapy to Eliminate Cancer According to The American Cancer Society, 43.92% of males and 38% of females have the risk of developing cancer during his/her lifetime (â€Å"Lifetime Risk,†2013). External beam therapy is a common cancer treatment that is distributed from a machine and is focused on the cancer inside the patient (External Beam Therapy, 2014). The treatment is a lot like getting an x-ray only the treatment is more time-consuming and uses a high dosage of radiation which is measured in units called Gray (Gy) (â€Å"External Beam Therapy†n.d.). Some of the machines for external beam therapy include linear accelerators, cobalt machines, and orthovoltage X-ray machines (Hopkins, n.d.). The type of machine used on each patient will be decided by the radiation oncologist (Hopkins, n.d.). The machine will not touch the patient and as you read further you will learn it does not hurt, and the radiation cannot be seen, felt, or smelled (â€Å"Lifetime Risk†, 2013). External Beam Th erapy is an effective and safe treatment plan used to treat cancer. External Beam Therapy was first used to treat a cancer patient, Gordon Isaacs, with the linear accelerator for retinoblastoma in 1957. Gordon s right eye had to be removed because the cancer spread. His left eye had only a localized tumor. Henry Kaplan treated it with the electron beam in 1957. Gordon is still alive and healthy; and his vision in the left eye is normal. External beam therapy is the reason Gordon isShow MoreRelatedCancer s Reputation Is Dismal And Menacing1155 Words  | 5 Pagesor loved ones is cancer. The word automatically instills fear, confusion, denial, and leaves the individual questioning his or her beliefs wondering â€Å"Why me?†. It overpowers all previous commitments or opportunities seizing control over the customary quality of life. Cancer is a disease caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in a part of the body often metastasizing elsewhere. 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